Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Morning Run

This morning was a running day. I ran 5 miles. Ok I ran for 2.5 miles, walked for 3 minutes and ran for 2.5 miles. There was a good sized hill about half way. My heart rate got up to 196 and that is close to my max so I decided to give it a break and walk just until my heart rate dropped down to about 160. Even though I walked for 3 minutes in the middle I still hit a milestone today. I ran 5 miles in under one hour. It was 22 seconds under an hour, but still I had a sub 12min/mile pace for the entire 5 miles. My weekly totally for running is 9 miles.

I have been doing a no sugar diet for 3 weeks now. The first 2 weeks, my diet consisted of vegetables, turkey, chicken, nuts, eggs and one potato a day. It was rough, but I am into it now. Starting week 3 I can add fruits. I love grapes, strawberries, bananas and watermelon. I am losing weight for my upcoming race half marathon on Oct 9 in Layton, and for my Half Ironman race in California in Apr.
Rohto Ironman 70.3 California

1 comment:

still in the process... said...

you are truly an inspiration!!! Go Austin!